The left’s historic capitulation to anti-Semitism
The radical left’s blindness to anti-Semitism and its view of Jews as fundamentally racist goes back well before Israel’s establishment
Hatred of or discrimination against Jews. Either historically or in the present. Includes research, statistics and surveys on anti-Semitism.
The radical left’s blindness to anti-Semitism and its view of Jews as fundamentally racist goes back well before Israel’s establishment
Anti-Zionists typically make the disingenuous claim that they cannot by definition be anti-Semitic
My own experience contradicts the view that the recent horrendous attack on Jewish school children in London was simply a continuation of the past
The West’s self-loathing is a key element driving the latest form of anti-Semitism
Rachel Shabi’s Off-White: The Truth About Anti-Semitism whitewashes the role of ‘progressives’ in stoking modern Jew hatred