The left’s historic capitulation to anti-Semitism
The radical left’s blindness to anti-Semitism and its view of Jews as fundamentally racist goes back well before Israel’s establishment
I am responsible for the Radicalism of Fools site. My current focus is anti-Semitism but I have specialised in several different topics as a journalist. Email me at daniel@radicalismoffools.com
The radical left’s blindness to anti-Semitism and its view of Jews as fundamentally racist goes back well before Israel’s establishment
Anti-Zionists typically make the disingenuous claim that they cannot by definition be anti-Semitic
My remarks at the recent Our Fight conference on Remaking the Promise of Never Again are now available to watch online (see...
A new report fails to grapple with what distinguishes anti-Semitism from other forms of racial thinking
The idea that there was a promise of 'never again' to the Jewish people after the horrors of the Holocaust is sadly untrue